This searchable map includes Texas farmers, ranchers, distributors, and food producers that are interested in selling their products to schools, child and adult care centers, and summer meal programs.
The Farm Fresh team is revamping the Farm Fresh Network map and application process. While building these resources, the team will maintain a new-members list without the search feature in addition to the searchable list. Watch TDA program newsletters, E-Harvest, and this space for updates on these efforts to create a new and user-friendly Farm Fresh Network page. |
Local Food for Schools (LFS) Grant Note: For the LFS grant, it is encouraged, but NOT required that LFS vendors are sourced from the Farm Fresh Network. Please be aware that not all Farm Fresh Network members qualify for LFS. Grant participants must verify that any vendor/producer meets all LFS requirements before making LFS purchases for reimbursement. Visit for more information.
Click on the red pins to display the contact information, distribution area, and product availability for each Farm Fresh Network member.